"The secret place" Series
The secret place series is primarily a special project.
Since i am a Christian, i wanted a kind of music to come in His presence.
But it had to be inspired by the Holy spirit,so i prayed for it.
In creating this series of The secret place CDs,
my hearts desire is for you to personally encounter our beautiful God.
I long for you to be utterly ruined with the love and the emotions of our Beloved.
May you be reawakened with fresh revelation of the cross
and become hopelessly and violently abandoned to your First Love.
It is a collection of quiet songs to come in the presence of God,
to listen to His voice and to go in prayer.
I have tried to create an environment where people felt the presence of God,
heaven, the garden of eden, Zion, the temple, the creation, the temptation
of Jesus, inside our hart, between time and space, ...
For anyone looking for music for praying, meditation, soaking, healing, ...
The journey awaits you.
Biblical Prophetic Reminders of the Secret Place, His Presence:
Seek his presence day and night where you will find the anointing.
Go deeper and deeper into the sanctuaries of your heart and into the secret place of the Most High God.
You shall be a holy and peculiar people.
Where love is the law of the priesthood and you will find it written even on the tablets of old.
Remember it.
Rising up and up is the fires of passion that raise toward the heavens.
Burning in us like that burning bush

Now you can also download the 4 albums in high quality as 1 digital download!
You will have one album for free in high quality!
And a lot of extras and surprises!